9-1-1, Reviews

9-1-1: Eddie Gets Closure, Civil Servant Mother Goes on Warpath, Captain Nash Resigns?!

Photo via ABC

When one is battling one’s demons, it can be an uphill battle. Sometimes, we can be talked off the ledge; other times, we just want to succumb to the darkness. Our first instinct is to wait for someone to save us. However, the only ones who can do that are ourselves.

I’m glad Eddie decided to get the closure he needed with Kim. The latter pretended to be Shannon so that Eddie could say the things he never said before his wife passed. Watching the scene took all my willpower not to let the tears fall. Kudos to Kim for doing this for Eddie, though I suspect that Eddie will have some explaining to do when Marisol and Christopher return home and see him embracing Kim. My heart went to Christopher when he thought Kim was his late mother. I have a feeling that it’s a heated argument waiting to happen. You better choose your words wisely, Edmundo Diaz!

Speaking of mothers, it seems that Councilwoman Ortiz, the mother of the drunk/drugged-up dude (his name escapes me) who refused treatment when Hen and the 118 arrived on the scene and died en route to the hospital, is on the warpath. The councilwoman got a judge to cancel Hen and Karen’s adoption hearing and removed it from the docket. On top of that, she somehow revoked their adoption license and took Mara away. I understand that the councilwoman is angry at Hen for not doing enough to save her son, but she has gone too far with her actions.

Meanwhile, the shocker of the hour is Captain Nash’s surprise resignation. The good captain seems to be in a dark place, and not even Athena can get him out of it. I wasn’t sure if bringing Amir in would help Bobby back from the brink, as that did more harm than good. Amir is still angry that Bobby has a second chance at life while he’s still picking up the pieces. The straw that broke the camel’s back was seeing the accolades that Bobby received for his work.

Sticking with Bobby for a bit, I agree with Athena when she said that this whole resignation thing is like seeing Bobby standing on the ledge of the 118 again, ready to fall and join his deceased family. It seems Bobby is still blaming himself for Minnesota and the 148 lives that were lost. Fire Captain Robert Wade Nash, you have done your penance. What happened in Minnesota was an accident. You need to stop putting all the blame on yourself. I know it will be challenging, but you owe it to Athena and your 118 family to try!

Final Musings:

Buck’s cooking skills have improved. Even Bobby approves. I’m impressed.

The Wilson kids are Cookie Co-Conspirators. Nice!

Karen has Vulcan hearing? When did that happen?

I was surprised to see Captain Gerard back again. I thought he would be six feet under by now. I loved Chimney’s response when Gerard commented about the clean floors.

Congrats to the 118 for getting their Medals of Valour!

Holy crap on a cracker! The Grant-Nash house is on fire!

Double holy crap on a cracker! Captain Nash is down! I repeat, Captain Nash is down!